Mojo Chat for Direct Primary Care
Add online physical therapy to your practice with Mojo Chat

Unlimited Physical Therapy Telehealth

Now your direct primary care practice can provide online physical therapy as a benefit to subscribers. Mojo Chat for DPC practices is available via an unlimited use model. Your practice simply pays one monthly fee, with no additional cost per use.

The retail cost for Mojo Chat is $45 per case, or $10 per month. By subscribing your DPC practice to Mojo Chat, you will be adding that value to every one of your members, all for just one fixed monthly fee. This benefit makes your membership more valuable and helps differentiate your DPC practice from others.

DPC Practice Spotlight

Promina Health Direct Primary Care

Promina Health Direct Primary Care, located in Wilmington, NC is providing its members with online physical therapy using Mojo Chat. Members get immediate care whether they come to Promina Health's locations, call or text.

Brian Lanier, MD
“We love the ease with which our patients can get a quick and convenient evaluation when musculoskeletal issues arise using Mojo Chat, and the outcomes reporting is key to knowing we are providing top quality care.”

Obtain Physical Therapy Diagnosis

Mojo Chat allows your physicians to order up and obtain a licensed Physical Therapy diagnosis within minutes. You can do this 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Mojo Chat is always ready - it's available on demand with no scheduling needed. Patients can access Mojo Chat from the comfort and privacy of their own home, workplace, or even in your triage area. As the referring physician, your practice has HIPAA-compliant access to each patient's diagnoses, treatment plans, daily engagement information and health outcomes.

Patients Answer Questions and Send Video Clips


Patients access Mojo Chat using a web browser on their mobile phone, laptop or desktop computer. Mojo Chat asks users simple Yes or No questions, with short video clips to demonstrate. At the conclusion of questions, users can record a short video clip that is sent to our physical therapists. This allows patients to give objective test results to our physical therapists, along with subjective insights for double and triple validation. This rich experience helps patients them feel connected and heard.

Our Physical Therapists Review


Our licensed physical therapists review answers to questions and patient video clips, selecting appropriate diagnoses and treatment plans. Mojo Chat's expert system intelligence covers the most frequently seen 166 physical therapy diagnoses across the whole human body. The American Physical Therapy Association specialties included in Mojo Chat are Orthopedics, Sports, Neurology, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, TMJ/Headaches, Hand and Foot, Occupational, and Movement and Exercise therapy.

14-Day Self-Treatment Plans


Mojo Chat delivers to patients a primary and causative diagnosis with 14-day treatment plans. Treatment plans include detailed overview, prognosis, and video guides for exercises, self-care, icing and rest protocols. Patients get a helpful checklist that allows them to record their daily progress. Helpful reminders to do treatment are sent to patients at the time of their choosing by text message or email. Patients can easily snooze these daily reminders for the remainder of each 14 day case.

Questions and Answers


During the 14-day treatment window you can ask unlimited questions by text and video to our physical therapy staff. Our physical therapy staff will answer your questions with text and/or video replies, and all the information is neatly stored in your case for your permanent reference.

Day 14 Health Check


Obtaining health outcomes data is critical to providing quality healthcare. Mojo Chat delivers this using a Day 14 Health Check. Patients are surveyed on the 14th day after receiving their diagnosis. They are reminded about their diagnosis and asked if they are feeling all better, mostly better, somewhat better, no change, or if their condition has gotten worse. Their answers are available to Direct Primary Care administrative users, along with treatment plan engagement details.

Mojo Chat Network

When your patients need in-person care, Mojo Chat has got that too! The Mojo Chat Network is our exclusive collection of the very best physical therapists in the nation. We have hand picked our partners and they are standing by and ready to help. The Mojo Chat Network provides continuity of care with physical therapy clinics that have the best expertise, availability and affordability options. Your members can browse the Mojo Chat Network by location, easily connecting with the clinics that best suit their needs.

Membership Plus Option

Subscribing your Direct Primary Care practice to Mojo Chat means added value to your members. DPC practices that are "concierge" style may prefer to grant all their members full and unlimited access to Mojo Chat. Practices that follow a "membership plus" service model usually prefer to include Mojo Chat only in their higher service tier, or charge an annual fee per family ($100/year is common). This allows your practice to recoup the cost of your practice's Mojo Chat subscription and increase net profit margin.

Member Retention


Providing Mojo Chat for your members will give them the industry's best and most advanced options for convenient physical therapy. Having access to physical therapy diagnoses and treatment plans such as this can help your physicians separate between medical needs and biomechanical issues. Mojo Chat appeals to your patients' desire to learn and participate in their health outcomes. Education with repetitive coaching is proven to yield excellent outcomes over time. Providing Mojo Chat to your members has a retail value of $10 per month, per individual, which adds more incentive to continue as your member.

How to Subscribe

Getting your Direct Primary Care practice started with Mojo Chat is simple. The price is $200 per month, for each prescriber in your practice. You can sign up your DPC practice for Mojo Chat here and then your Mojo Chat benefit card will be sent to you via email. This business card is in PDF form and allows you to print business cards with your practice's Mojo Chat coupon code. You can keep these cards at your reception desk, and also provide the details by email to your members as needed. You can give this card to your members whenever they have physical pain issues, and then keep an eye on their progress in the Administration panel. It's that easy!

If you would like to try Mojo Chat as a patient first, you can sign up online here, and then buy a single case for $45.

Mojo Chat is provided by Mojo SportClinic, an elite physical therapy clinic located in Wilmington, NC. Feel free to reach out, say hello, and get to know us. You can give us your contact info here and we will be in touch.

We are here for you!

Ready to get started?

You can sign up your DPC practice for unlimited use of Mojo Chat for just $200/month, per prescriber.
Sign Up Now
If you are not ready to sign up yet and need more information, fill out this form and we will contact you to discuss.