How it works
Answer questions and record a video.
Get a diagnosis with 14-day treatment plan.

Chat and record video

Text with Mojo Chat! It will ask you questions about which body area hurts, movements you can and cannot do, and lots more. Most questions have simple Yes or No answers, so you can just tap "Yes," "No," or "Unsure." Your progress is automatically saved, so you can close the chat at any time and continue later without losing data.

When you have answered all the questions, you will have the option to record a short video, in which you can point to the pain area and describe the problem to our physical therapists. This step isn't required but it helps our physical therapists get you the correct diagnosis.

Physical Therapists review

Our physical therapy staff will review your case. You get notifications along the way as things progress. Depending on staff availability, your case may be reviewed within minutes, but it might take a few hours. Our staff works extended hours Monday through Saturday, with partial coverage on Sundays as well. Though we cannot promise an immediate diagnosis, we think you will be very pleased with our turnaround time.

Receive diagnosis

When our physical therapy staff has finished reviewing your case, you will receive a notification by text message. Our philosophy for delivering physical therapy includes a primary diagnosis, and whenever possible a causative diagnosis. This approach helps you achieve immediate relief and healing, while also addressing root causes. We prefer to heal you and also help you stay injury free going forward.

When we have finished reviewing your case, you will be able to read lots of information about your diagnoses, including treatment plans for each.

Treatment plan

Your treatment plan will address your primary diagnosis as well as a causative diagnosis. Most treatment plans include 14 days of care, and involve four things:

  • Self-Care treatments that vary significantly between diagnoses
  • Icing procedures that remove inflammation, promote healing and reset nerve responses
  • Rest and active rest guidelines that allow you to heal while still remaining active
  • Exercises that target the exact muscles involved

Questions and Answers

During the 14-day treatment window you can ask unlimited questions by text and video to our physical therapy staff. Our physical therapy staff will answer your questions with text and/or video replies, and all the information is neatly stored in your case for your permanent reference.

Daily reminders

You get daily reminders at the time of your choosing. If you follow your treatment plan every day for the full 14 days, you will achieve the most healing possible. You can choose to receive daily treatment plan reminders by email or text message.

Day 14 Health Check

After 14 days of your Treatment Plan, it's time for a health check to assess your healing progress and get your feedback. The health check is critical because it allows us to guide you in your next step of healing. Most injuries actually involve multiple body parts, and during the full healing process it is common to see pain "migrate" to an adjacent body area.

Release, repeat or refer

At this point if all is well and you are not experiencing pain, we take pleasure in releasing you back to full activities. If pain has migrated to an adjacent body area, we guide you to buy another case and continue your healing path. We watch for any diagnoses that are not responding to home-based treatment, and if needed we will refer you for in-person care.

Mojo Chat Network

When you need in-person care, Mojo Chat has got that too! The Mojo Chat Network is our exclusive collection of the very best physical therapists in the nation. We have hand picked our partners and they are standing by and ready to help. The Mojo Chat Network provides continuity of care with physical therapy clinics that have the best expertise, availability and affordability options. You can browse the Mojo Chat Network by location, easily connecting with the clinics that best suit their needs.

Mojo Chat is Ready For You Now

Ready to get started?

For just $45 you can purchase a case and get your diagnosis and 14-day treatment plan right now.
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